Legal Disclaimer
Lamborghini by KLD Concept website has been created to offer an in
dept view into one of the most charismatic car manufacturing
companies ever : Automobili Lamborghini SpA.
Lamborghini by KLD Concept : the site is a non-commercial website,
a database compiled by myself to offer as much information as
possible about these magnificent cars to the fans of this marque all
over the world, and in honour of the important legacy the late
Ferruccio Lamborghini left the automotive world.
Lamborghini by KLD Concept nor the Webmaster are affiliated with
the Automobili Lamborghini Holding SpA in any way, we do not sell
cars or parts and unless stated otherwise, no car featured on this
site is for sale.
The information found on this site has been created based on a
massive amount of publications on Lamborghini, ranging from books
and magazines up to the rare official factory publications and by
talking to actual Lamborghini owners from all over the globe.
All information found on this site has been written by me, unless
stated otherwise, and is therefore copyright protected, no part of
information found on this site may be used commercially or otherwise
without written permission from the author.
images which are the property of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. are
for private / personal use only.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the
information given, it is always possible some error can be found on
these pages, I can give absolutely no warranty as to the accuracy of
the information contained on these pages, I also reserve the right
to withdraw or delete information at any time without prior notice.
The massive amount of images presented on this website were gathered
from different sources, many of them have been scanned from
photographs I've taken myself on various car shows all over Europe,
a large selection has been supplied to me by avid fans and owners of
these stunning cars from all over the world, while other pictures
have been found browsing the Internet.
These images are used to give a visual impression of the beauty of
these magnificent creations and are shown only as a reference to the
different models made by Automobili Lamborghini SpA over the years,
in no way are they used for commercial purposes, to my knowing the
images taken from the internet found on this website were free
unless stated otherwise in the caption of the photo, if any of them
is copyright protected or if anyone is offended by the use of an
image found on this site, please inform me at
contact@kldconcept.com and I will remove that file as
soon as possible !
Lamborghini by KLD Concept nor the webmaster nor the KLD
Concept.com registrant can be held liable for any of the images
received by email, the original sender will be mentioned in the
caption as the source, if this wasn't the original copyright owner,
that specific image will be removed from the site at once upon
request from the original copyright owner.
Any copyright infraction that might by present on Lamborghini by KLD
Concept website is totally unintentionally, and any violating file
or information will be removed upon simple request from the original
I've created the Lamborghini by KLD Concept site as a way to supply
information about these exotic cars to users all over the world, it
wasn't created with the intention that users rely upon any
information found on these pages for any purpose whatsoever.
Accordingly KLD Concept.com nor the Webmaster shall under no
circumstances be liable for any loss or damage, including but not
limited to loss of profits, goodwill or indirect or consequential
loss arising out of any use of or inaccuracies in the information
presented on this site. All warranties express or implied are
excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law.
This entire site is created in order to give you the most complete
overview of all the known Lamborghini models ever built, all cars
use a page containing a small history of that specific model and
another page with very detailed specifications. Most models even
have an image list that can be rather slow in loading but is surely
worth the wait.
Every single Lamborghini ever built always had something special,
they still had the heart and soul of the founder of Automobili
Lamborghini SpA : Signore Ferruccio Lamborghini himself.
These cars will continue to move the world, they will always attract
the attention of people passing by, even older people who know
nothing about supercars and probably don't even know what a
Lamborghini is, will still turn around just to take a second look
when one of these magnificent machines thunders by.
All Lamborghini model names, the Raging bull emblem and the
Lamborghini logo and name are trademarks, registered by Automobili
Lamborghini Holding SpA, all other makes and models found on this
site are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Please don't just copy anything from this site, publishing photo's
or information found on this site on the Internet is restricted,
please read the Copyright statement for more information on this.
If you want to download images for your personal use, don't hesitate.