Postée par admin le Friday 29 January 2010 à 16:39 |
Super sportscar manufacturer awarded "Health and Safety in the workplace" at National Forum
? New structures and tailored services for employees ? Developing and promoting ?safety-focused' company culture ? Employees' contribution to improving working conditions ? Consistent reduction of workplace accidents in the last three years
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Automobili Lamborghini has today been awarded a special Prize for Safety and Social Awareness by the Head of State, at the first ?National Forum of Health and Safety in the Workplace.' The Forum, hosted by the Alma Mater Foundation, takes place in Bologna.
Bologna University and the Alma Mater Foundation have decided to present the award to Automobili Lamborghini SpA as the automotive industry leader in Health and Safety in the workplace, "for giving great importance to safety in the workplace, as testified by the big reduction in work-related accidents at the factory; for the continuous commitment to improving Lamborghini employees' working conditions; for the constant attention to the workforce's overall welfare, as proven by innovative programmes aimed at preventing as well as safeguarding health; for the greatest care taken in making sure the workplace benefits from the most advanced technologies for risk analysis and prevention; and for responsible management of work conditions, not only to comply with legal and administrative regulations, but specifically to protect investments in and for people."
This commitment has an impact in improving work conditions, from ergonomic issues relating to working areas and the introduction of new risk prevention and analysis technologies, to services aimed at fulfilling the workforce needs: a comprehensive company culture based on safety awareness.
Thanks to the various initiatives undertaken it has been possible, in the last three years, to reduce the accident frequency to a third, a level well below national average.
"Lamborghini's strategy consists in building a real health culture and accident prevention," says Stephan Winkelmann, President and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini SpA, "and for the company to show real appreciation of the work carried out by our colleagues."
Lamborghini offers its workforce free medical services such as vaccinations, therapy and individual screening; for example, a special ?over 45' programme includes regular check-ups particularly focused on cardiovascular pathologies.
Workshops and courses promoting awareness and personal responsibility, aimed at production line workers, have been arranged with the help of Union representatives for health and safety.
Every employee has a fundamental role in setting up, adopting and carrying out interventions and measures to ensure the best possible working conditions, and thus reach high levels of personal motivation and co-operation. |
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Postée par admin le Friday 18 December 2009 à 23:49 |

Automobili Lamborghini: A new book telling the Italian car manufacturer's storyAutomobili Lamborghini, a book about Lamborghini and its history, is launched by Mondadori Multicenter today, Friday 18, in Milan. The book, edited by Electa and part of its Industry and Design series, illustrates an Italian story of world-wide success using material from the manufacturer's historical archives. Lamborghini's story is described through images and by journalist Decio G.R. Carugati, narrating the past, present and future story of the car manufacturer and its products. Lamborghini's legendary super sportscars, born out of genial Italian creativity: the story starts in 1963, thanks to Ferruccio Lamborghini's passion for race cars. The brand's uncompromising and extreme character is apparent from the 350 GTV, introduced at the Turin Motor Show that year, through the Diablo to the current Gallardo and Murciélago range. d'autres photos , un clic sur l'image:"Lamborghini explores and pushes automotive boundaries further," says Stephan Winkelmann, President and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A."Every Lamborghini model is inspired by that principle whilst remaining true to its Italian spirit." Designated after breeds of fighting bulls, the cars' names are evocative of their strength and power and thus a dynamic and decisive approach to driving: Lamborghini cars excel in both design and performance. Since the '60s, Lamborghini's passion for engines and performance, together with the contribution of celebrated car designers, has been supported by investment in research and development. Acquired by Audi in 1998, Lamborghini has continued to uphold its prestigious tradition whilst embracing modern automotive challenges. The book is on sale now priced 80 Euro; an English version is available for the international markets. |
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Postée par admin le Saturday 12 December 2009 à 09:32 |

Soirée TAG Heuer - MERIDIIST - lamborghini GeneveGenève à l'heure de l'avant-garde et de l'élégance TAG Heuer et Lamborghini s'associent pour un lancement d'exception d'autres photos , un clic sur l'image:Haute technologie et design à l'Italienne étaient au rendez-vous ce soir au garage Lamborghini de Plan-les Ouates où 300 personnes ont eu le plaisir et l'exclusivité de découvrir l'exceptionnelle Lamborghini Reventon Roadster qui n'existe qu'en 15 exemplaires au monde, et le tout nouveau téléphone TAG Heuer Meridiist Automobili Lamborghini. En hommage aux voitures dont son design s'inspire, ce téléphone est, lui, produit en 1963 exemplaires, date de création de la célèbre marque transalpine. Il est maintenant disponible en Suisse dans les points de vente Bücherer. Les convives ont été accueillis au son du saxophone de Tiborg jeune musicien, chanteur et DJ qui a assuré l'animation musicale de la soirée. Et s'ils n'ont pas tous eu la chance d'entendre sonner le TAG Heuer Meridiist, ils ont tous été saisis par les vrombrissements de la LP640 Roadster dans laquelle avaient pris place la pétillante Lolita Morena et Dano Halsal, l'ancien champion de natation romand. Jean-Christophe Babin, CEO de TAG Heuer et Giuseppe Sciretta, Directeur Lamborghini Genève, ont été heureux d'offrir de prestigieux cadeaux à une poignée d'invités chanceux. La fête n'aurait été complète sans les feux des diamants de Dogi, qui présentait sa collection de bijoux en avant-première Suisse et sans le généreux support des Vins Thiébaud de Bôle et des Tequila Patron. Les amateurs de haute-précision et de lignes épurées sont repartis comblés. d'autres photos , un clic sur l'image:>> Les Donnees techniques du Meridiist << << La Vidéo du Meridiist >> un grand Merci a la Team Tag Heuer & Modelabs et a l'équipe de Lamborghini Geneve |
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